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'How I write: Dystopian thriller author M. C Ronen on the writers who have influenced her'

14 December 2022 

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a 3-page feature about Maya and The Liberation Trilogy in the Spring issue of the New Zealand Vegan Magazine

September 2022 


Featured on May Safely Graze website as part of the 'Vegan Mothers and Daughters' series 

14 May 2022


Featured postgraduate alumna of The University Of Edinburgh, Scotland (MSc, Gender and Society 2002). Combining feminism and animal rights with becoming a published author

3 March 2020


'Forging a Vegan Fiction Genre' (as also published by the NZ vegan Magazine) by Jackie Norman.

4 December 2022 

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'The Pain we Inflict'

 Author feature on the Literary Titan website. 

17 July 2022


Unchained TV: Vegan Author’s Dystopian Visions

26 July 2021

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